Enneagram Reports and Coaching

We offer Enneagram reports customized for individuals, teams and organizations.  Organizations that use the Enneagram include churches, college counselors, corporations, startups, government agencies, executive search firms, Hollywood television writers rooms, as well as therapists and coaches.

 The Enneagram is a growth tool for self awareness and awareness of others. The actress Amy Poehler, a strongly proud Enneagram 8 revealed on a talk show appearance with Seth Myers that she wished that the cast of SNL would have been able to share Enneagrams so they could understand and collaborate in a deeper way. At Created by… we find that Enneagram is a great facilitator for more efficient and more meaningful collaboration. 

Our report- 35-40 pages— provides a “detailed map” of one’s personality, behaviors, and motivations. The report differs from other assessments in that it charts levels of growth and metrics for change. Along with the report is a short, condensed “postcard” that allows others a quick reference to your personality map. For a minister at a church, a college counselor, or a CEO at a large organization, having these “postcards” is a shorthand to better communication and facilitation. 

In addition to the reports, we offer coaching services and growth practices to cultivate deeper awareness and accountability. 

For more information on what is included in the report, as well as licensing and coaching offerings, please contact—david@createdbyleadership.group